重磅活动 | 「共话中以创新」暨X-elerator与WeWork Labs合作启动

Have you ever wondered what makes Israel, a narrow strip of land in the Middle East, the “Startup Nation” with so many Nobel laureates? Do you know how Israelis overcame the harshness of nature with their own creativity and hard work? What will the future of China-Israel tech collaboration look like?


On April 8th, join Tsinghua SEM X-elerator and WeWork Labs to learn insights from Professor LI Jizhen (Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM) and Roee Adler (Global Head of WeWork Labs) about the differences, challenges, and collaborations between the innovation landscapes in Israel and China.

4月8日,和清华经管创业者加速器、WeWork Labs一道聆听清华大学经济管理学院副院长李纪珍老师与WeWork Labs全球负责人Roee Adler的主题对话,探讨中以两国创新的异同、挑战以及合作契机。(注:本场活动内容以英文呈现为主)

▌ Time 活动时间

April 8th 2019 (Mon.) 15:00-18:00

▌ Venue 活动地点

Haohai Building #301, Innoway Zhongguancun,
No.36 Haidian West Street, Haidian District, Beijing
北京市海淀区中关村创业大街昊海楼办公区3层 清华经管创业者加速器

▌ Agenda 流程安排

14:30-15:00 Registration 签到
15:00-15:05 Opening 开场
15:05-15:20 Address by Guest of Honor 领导致辞分享
15:20-16:10 Dialogue 对话 — The Way Business Works in China versus Israel
16:10-16:20 Q&A 问答环节
16:20-16:30 Partnership Launch 合作启动
16:30-16:45 “Israel Innovation Trip” Launch “以色列创新之旅”项目发布
16:45-16:50 Group Photo 大合影
16:50-17:50 Refreshments & Networking 茶点及自由交流

Speaker 分享嘉宾

李纪珍 LI Jizhen

Associate Dean,
School of Economic and Management, Tsinghua University

Dr. Jizhen LI is an associate professor of Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship andStrategy, School of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University. He is also a research fellow and vice director at the Research Center for Technological Innovation at Tsinghua University.

Jizhen holds a PhD(2002) in Management Science, a MA in Management Science, and BE(1997) both in Automobile Engineering and Industrial Engineering from the Tsinghua University. He visited MIT Sloan School of Management as an International Faculty Fellow for half a year in 2006.

He teaches courses such as Management of Technological Innovation, Innovation Research, Technological Entrepreneurship and Project evaluation/Management.




Speaker 分享嘉宾

Roee Adler

Global Head of WeWork Labs
WeWork Labs全球负责人

Roee Adler is a longtime team member at WeWork, joining as Chief Product Officer in 2013. Over the years Roee built WeWork’s product management, software engineering, digital design, and data analysis groups. He is now spearheading WeWork Labs, the company’s program to power early stage startups and corporate innovation.

Roee started programming at the age of 11 and proceeded to lead a software development group in the Israeli army. Prior to WeWork, Roee was the Chief Product Officer at Soluto and led the team’s launch at TechCrunch Disrupt NYC 2010 (where Soluto won the startup battlefield). Soluto was acquired by Asurion in 2013. Before that, Roee was a product manager at AeroScout (acquired by Stanley Black & Decker) and a device driver developer at Envara (acquired by Intel).

Roee Adler是WeWork团队的资深成员,早在2013年便加入WeWork担任首席产品官。多年来,Roee搭建了WeWork的产品管理、软件工程、电子设计及数据分析团队。Roee目前领导WeWork Labs,赋能初创团队以及大企业创新。

Roee从11岁器开始编程,之后在部队服役期间,在研发部门担当软件工程师。在加入WeWork之前,Roee是Soluto的首席产品官并领导了团队在TechCrunch Disrupt NYC 2010的发布会(Soluto从Startup Battlefield中脱颖而出),Soluto而后在2013年被Asurion收购。更早之前,Roee是AeroScout(后被Stanley Black & Decker收购)的产品经理以及在Envara(后被Intel收购)的设备驱动程序开发师。


About X-elerator


▷Founded in 2015, Tsinghua SEM X-elerator is a startup acceleration platform for global entrepreneurs and start-ups, which is affiliated with Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management. Revolving around the entrepreneurial ecosystem, we are composed of a 3-in-1 model of “Mentorship,Co-working Spaces,and Investment.” Tsinghua SEM X-elerator brings together elite global entrepreneurs and empowers them with entrepreneurship acceleration “from 1 to N.”



About WeWork Labs
关于WeWork Labs

▷WeWork Labs is WeWork’s global innovation platform powering the next generation of industry transformation by helping startups and corporates creat the future. Through our in-house early-stage startup program, corporate innovation team, and partnerships with universities, accelerators, incubators, and VCs, WeWork Labs builds and operates ecosystems of innovation around the world where creative ideas become scalable solutions.

WeWork Labs是 WeWork的全球创新平台,可帮助创业公司和企业创造未来,助力下一代行业转型。通过我们的内部早期创业公司计划、企业创新团队,还有与大学、加速成长企业、创业孵化器和风险投资团队的合作,WeWork Labs 在全球范围内建立并运营着创新生态系统,让创意想法变成可扩展的解决方案。



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