想参加今年Google最顶级的开发者盛会Google I/O的现场直播吗?想和Google一起展望下一代移动互联网吗?想知道Android平台的最新突破吗?想和中国顶尖移动开发者一起切磋吗?想了解如何利用 Google Admob广告解决方案建立商业模式吗?
如果您对以上任何一个问题的回答是Yes,请点此免费报名参加Google I/O现场直播。该活动将从 5 月 10 日晚上 11 点到凌晨 1 点进行。Google中国为大家准备了Google纪念品及美食,恭候您的光临。由于活动席位有限,请详细填写您在移动开发方面的经历,活动组织者将据此决定对您是否发出邀请。您的申请确认后,google中国会给您发送包含会议安排及地点信息的确认邮件。
报名页面 https://www.google.com/appserve/fb/forms/cnioextended2011/
Google I/O 介绍:
Google I/O brings together thousands of developers for two days of deep technical content, focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more.
I/O Extended 介绍
I/O Extended are viewing events hosted around the world by Google offices, our GTUG partners, and student ambassadors. I/O Extended is for those developers who are not able to attend Google I/O, but still want to connect with other passionate and talented developers and watch parts of Google I/O live. Learn more and find an I/O Extended event near you on the I/O Extended site.